Hello Gis!

I have been very busy lately. It sounded like you were busy as well. Since I don't know how to cook traditional Tết food, I bought them instead.
I'm not as siêng as you are. I did very little cleaning around the house and that's about it. Unfortunately, Tết in Houston is not as náo nhịp as in California or VN for sure.

We had a little party at our Vovinam class. One of our goals is to teach children about certain Vietnamese traditions, and Tết is always on top of our list. I was so surprised that the majority of these kids have never had bánh chưng or bánh tét before. I had to force them to eat them. We had a lot of fun, especially with the "lì xì" part. Maybe next year I'll introduce "bầu cua cá cọp" game to them. They have never heard of it. It's so sad. Our most treasured traditions are slowly fading here in the US.

I'm glad to hear from you. I read that you've past your belt promotion test. CONGRATULATIONS! Please keep in touch and hope to hear from you again soon.